Services to Expect from Horizon Paramedical. A complete solution to insurance-related medical assessments.
Through careful training and world-class partnerships, we’re able to provide our customers with full health assessments at home. At Horizon Paramedical, our procedures meet and exceed the minimum requirements set out by all insurance company underwriting guidelines.
Taking the uncertainty out of paramedical exams, customers can expect to have their weight and height recorded, as well as their blood pressure and heart rate. A medical history questionnaire will also be completed with each applicant.
In certain cases, the insurer may require our mobile paramedical examiners to complete some of the following simple procedures, which can still be conducted in the comfort of our customer’s home:
Blood Draw
The insurer’s underwriters may require certain blood tests to have the life or disability policy approved. We partner with ExamOne to ensure that laboratory tests are handled efficiently and accurately. Test results are confidential and submitted to the insurance company directly.

Urine Sample
From the privacy of an in-home assessment, giving a urine sample isn’t as awful as it sounds. Applicants’ urine samples are handled with dignity, tested thoroughly by our laboratory partners, and results given directly to the insurance company.
Saliva Swab
A saliva swab is a straightforward procedure that entails placing a treated cotton fibre pad between the lower cheek and gum for a few minutes. This sample of oral fluid is sent to ExamOne for analysis; test results are sent directly, and only, to the insurance company.

Electrocardiogram (EKG)
In this test, our examiners record the electrical impulses linked to cardiac contraction and relaxation. This is a painless procedure that involves a few leads being placed on your chest as you relax, lying down.
Top Tips: Preparing for an Insurance Exam
When booking your paramedical assessment, you will be given detailed instructions on what to expect and how to best prepare yourself for the day of your examination. Our top tips to share with paramedical applicants include:
1. Drink plenty of water one hour prior to your examination, to aid with the collection of a urine sample.
2. Avoid alcohol for 8 hours prior to your examination, as this can affect your blood pressure.
3. Avoid coffee, soda and other caffeinated, sugary products in the hours leading up to your health examination.
4. Limit your salt and cholesterol consumption for 24 hours prior to your assessment.
5. Try to get a good 8 hours of sleep the night before your tests, and schedule your appointment for a time of day that you are most likely to feel relaxed.
6. Avoid overly strenuous exercise for 24 hours before your paramedical appointment.
7. Finally, inform your paramedical examiner of all medication that you are taking, whether chronic or sporadic, pharmaceutical or homoeopathic.